Saturday, November 12, 2011

the wonders of skype!

I love Skype! Over an hour, I was able to talk to my 2 sisters, my sister-in-law, my parents, 5 cousins, see my aunt and uncle, 3 nieces, my nephew, and 4 of my little cousins! I don't really understand technology, but I think it is incredible!! haha =)

Here are some snap shots I took of my family through Skype =) It was so good to see so many people I love! <3

Sadly, I don't have one of Sarah, which is why everyone was gathered together. Hope you all had fun at the baby shower!! Miss you!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Guy Fawkes

I got to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day for the first time yesterday!! It was really exciting =)

Basically (for all my friends and fam back home that are looking at this), Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Parliament building in London because he didn't like that Catholicism was no longer the official religion. He failed, was tried and sentenced to death. The Brits celebrate this every year by having big bonfires, sometimes throwing a scarecrow version of Guy Fawkes on top to burn (I didn't see this bit), and having firework shows. Here's a link if you want to know more about the holiday.

 I had a lot of fun going to a park in Dundee with some people from my course. The fireworks were really impressive! They lasted nearly 30 minutes! I've uploaded a short video of the fireworks below and a picture of us at the park. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Johnny Robinson

In case all you people back in the USA were wondering what happened to Johnny Robinson from  the X-Factor (as I sure you are =) haha!), he was booted tonight. There are 7 acts left. I kind of started to like watching him sing.  Here are his last 4 performances. The first one is definitely the most entertaining!