Monday, October 3, 2011

top 10 update

I have had so many small/random things I have wanted to share but never got around to it, so I have decided to put them all here in a list.

1. I love the gray foggy skies.

2. An old man lost his balance and landed in my lap while I was on the bus to Dundee!

3. Speaking of Dundee, I took this picture there. I love how gorgeous old architecture gets re-purposed here. (This one as an Optical Express.)

4. The lady I spoke with about working on a website for children about the history of Kirkcaldy suggested having people pop out of the graves at their cemetery to talk to the children about the past. Sounds a bit on the scary side for kids!

5. I felt very much like I was back at university when I made fajita pasta with the scraps of food I had in my cupboard!

6. I can now say I have seen Rory MacIlroy play golf.

7. The "mascot" (of sorts) for the University of St. Andrews is a lion named Rory MacLion.

8. Our dryers aren't working so I went to the dorms next door to do my laundry this weekend. It is were Prince William lived his first year studying here, so needless to say, that hall was way more posh than the one I am staying in. I was a bit jealous of how nice it was!

9. Scotland is apparently the only country that has a soft drink that outsells Coca Cola products. It's called Iron Bru-made here in Scotland. It tastes a bit like a mix of Big Red, Orange Crush, bubble gum and medicine. (That mix sounds really weird, it tastes better than I just made it sound!)
10. And finally, I really need to be doing research for a paper I have due October 28, but instead I am making this list. (Keeping you up-to-date is a valid procrastination tool, right?)


  1. woah! that irn bru sode just took me back 12 years! My english friend used to talk about it and brought one back for me once. tasted awful!

  2. Haha, I can't believe you've tried it! It's not so bad, but since the taste is so strong, I can see not wanting to take more than a sip.
